Friday, November 9, 2012

He's not just hot...he's like really hot

So a 40 degree celcius temperature is not bad, right?  I know!  Poor boy woke up with it this morning and it has been hard to break.  Tylenol and advil on board with antibiotics too.  It is most likely another urinary tract infection as for unexplained reasons have plagued the boy all his life.  Here's hoping he makes a quick turn around as I have seen more than I need to of our Children's Hospital emergency department!  It's great when you need it but really no place most specifically for the profoundly disabled.  He's been sleeping the majority of the day and I'm hoping he awakens renewed and full of his usual smiles.  It could happen...
I knew I should have put the sitters all on call.  Anyone think I can get funding to have a rotating call list of sitters?  Makes sense to me.  It would be like paying insurance.  I need to talk to someone about that....

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